Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Steak Tips & Mushrooms

Oh my gosh . . . so simple and soooo delicious!

While your cast iron skillet is heating to medium-high, cube up a nice piece of tender steak - (this is going to cook quick so the meat needs to be tender) and season with a bit of salt and pepper.  Add a tablespoon of oil to your skillet and if it starts smoking, you're ready to toss in the meat.  Don't stir it around right away, you want to build a nice crust on the outside (it's called the maillard reaction), but keep the interior relatively pink.  After a minute or so, turn the cubes, and keep turning until all sides look wonderfully crusted.  Remove the meat from the pan and toss in a tub of mushrooms (that have been halved) and a dollop of butter, for good measure.  When the mushrooms have some nice color, you can add a splash (or two . . . or three) of dry white wine, and reduce down for a minute or so - this is also the time to throw in some minced garlic if you so choose.  Plate it up with your favorite greens and sprinkle a little parsley over everything for good luck.  And yes, it counts if the only green on your plate comes from an avocado!

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