Monday, March 26, 2012

As The Garden Grows - Day 1

Garden Bed ~ Day 1
Here she is, in all her glory!  Oh, sure, I know it doesn't look like much, but underneath all that dirt are seeds, glorious seeds.  And one day, in the near future (fingers crossed), there will be honest to goodness vegetables sprouting! I'm so excited.  There is something satisfying about dirt under your fingernails and the satisfaction that you are helping create something . . . sort of like being pregnant, but without the swollen ankles.  

You may have noticed a few additions.  I nailed in small nails along the edge and strung twine to section off the garden.  Since my cutting and measuring skills need some practice, these are not exact square feet - more like 11-1/4 inches by about a foot.  It will work (again, crossing fingers).   I planted some climbers in a few plots, so added some bamboo poles.  It will be awhile before they are needed, but the garden bed looked bare and lonely. I'll try and post regular updates As The Garden Grows . . .
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1 comment:

  1. How is the garden doing today? Any new photos?
